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The Student News Site of High School for Mathematics, Science and Engineering

The Echo

The Student News Site of High School for Mathematics, Science and Engineering

The Echo

The Student News Site of High School for Mathematics, Science and Engineering

The Echo

2024-2025 Staff

Astrid Clayton
Managing Editor, Features Section Editor, Staff Writer

Astrid Clayton

Astrid joined The Echo in 2022 as a founding member because they like editing and writing about their interests (mainly movies and sports). Astrid is passionate about karate, jiu-jitsu, and biochemistry, and they are also an avid...

Ella-Devi Weerackody
Head Culture Editor, Social Media Manager, Staff Writer

Ella-Devi Weerackody

Ella Devi has been on the Echo team since its founding in 2022. She writes frequently about everything culture-related as she believes that studying our culture is vital to cultivating a healthy society. Her favorite activity...

Jayden Cedano
Staff Writer, Community Section Editor, Layout Team, Webmaster

Jayden Cedano

Jayden joined The Echo right before its first issue was released in 2023. Since then he’s written, edited, and contributed art for articles, as well as managing The Echo’s website Jayden is concerned mostly...

Eli Gologanova
Head Editor, Copy-chief, Artist

Eli Gologanova

Eli joined the Echo at the start of the 2nd issue. She loves grammatical editing and occasionally contributes digital drawings to the newspaper. Her favourite writing hot take is that British spelling is often, but not always,...

Willow Mintz
Advice Column Section Editor, Staff Writer

Willow Mintz

Willow has been a member of the Echo since its third edition in early 2023. She is a junior who enjoys baking and Taylor Swift and both of these hobbies are displayed in her writing. Her favorite food is pizza and her favorite...

Emily Dow
Art Director, Staff Writer, Artist, Website Design Team

Emily Dow

Emily is a founding member of The Echo, excluding the first ever newspaper club meeting which she did not attend. She enjoys ranting for hours about topics you may have heard of but definitely have no interest in and she revels...

Sawyer Dufresne
Staff Writer, Layout Team

Sawyer Dufresne

Sawyer has been at The Echo since the start of the 2024 school year. She is a designer for the Echo and writer as well. She joined The Echo because she loves to design and The Echo is a great place to be creative. When she's not...

Aidana Zhanuzakova
Staff Writer, Layout Team

Aidana Zhanuzakova

Aidana joined The Echo this year, and is working as a writer and designer! She is passionate about finding the uniqueness and backstory of “average” things. She’s honestly not sure how she found herself in The Echo, as she...

Julian Nguyen
Staff Writer, Website Design Team

Julian Nguyen

Since the start of the 2023–2024 school year, Julian has been hard at work writing for The Echo, as he feels it is an amazing way to channel his favorite value: creativity. He loves film and television, which shows up quite...

Elena Davis
Staff Writer

Elena Davis

Elena started at The Echo this year. She is in 10th grade. She writes about topics that interest her as she thinks they may be of interest to others as well. She likes to dance and loves the beach.

Zahava Kahn
Staff Writer

Zahava Kahn

Zahava joined The Echo at the end of the school year in 2024. She is currently a junior at HSMSE who transferred in her sophomore year. Zahava loves to be a member of the HSMSE community—she is a member of Model UN, JSU, Math...

Sofia Graham Eiroa
Staff Writer

Sofia Graham Eiroa

Sofia has been at The Echo since 2024. She loves to write about situations that apply to MSE students and give other students a chance to share their voice. She participates in school sports like soccer and track. To relax and...

Kevin Sim
Staff Writer

Kevin Sim

Kevin has been at The Echo since September 2024. If he opens up to it, it becomes pretty obvious that he's a hardcore transit nerd. When he's hungry, you'll likely find him either enjoying his meal at Shake Shack or the food court...

Esther Gould
Staff Writer

Esther Gould

Esther joined The Echo in fall of 2024. She never intended to be a writer, but when she tried it out, she ended up loving it. If you ever come across an article about art, or an awfully specific, abstract topic, it's likely that...

Anthony Zelevinsky
Staff Writer

Anthony Zelevinsky

Anthony joined The Echo in 2024 to write about various topics that he is passionate about. He likes discussing topics that are often not widely known about or discussed by other members or the general school community. He runs...

Isaac Kim
Staff Writer

Isaac Kim

Isaac has been at The Echo since its club in 2023. He is a writer who enjoys talking about trains and politics/authoritarian governments. He believes that the HSMSE school newspaper is an important part of the HSMSE community...

Gareth Reis
Staff Writer

Gareth Reis

Gareth has been with The Echo writing about transit and politics since the beginning of the 2023–24 school year. He is passionate about many diverse things, including trains, politics, hockey, and music. He spends his free time...

Annalie Merkel
Staff Writer

Annalie Merkel

Annalie spends her time playing sports and watching “One Tree Hill.” If she isn't hiding in her room or at practice, you can find her out with friends. She could probably also be found at her favorite dumpling restaurant with...

Audrey Young
Staff Writer

Audrey Young

Audrey joined The Echo as a sophomore because she finds raising awareness about different topics of the school very important. She also loves being able to interact with so many different people, which is why she loves incorporating...

Fiona Louie
Staff Writer, Editor

Fiona Louie

Fiona joined the Echo in September of 2024 because of a friend, yet she's loved every second of it. She is a student who is passionate about many topics, especially food and music. Her love of writing about trendy topics captures...

Ocean Hiller
Staff Writer, Editor

Ocean Hiller

Ocean is a junior who has written and edited for The Echo since Fall 2023. He believes that journalism is a powerful tool to bring the HSMSE community together and make the world a better place. Ocean loves to study culture in...

Maya Grauer
Staff Writer, Editor

Maya Grauer

Maya joined The Echo this year, for the beginning of her sophomore year. She loves writing in the arts and culture section of the newspaper, sharing her love for books and music with people, and cannot wait to continue being a...

Siona Lewis-Coffey
Staff Writer, Artist, Editor, Layout Team

Siona Lewis-Coffey

Siona finds it impossible to say "no" to anything in The Echo newsroom. As such, she has become involved in many parts of its production: writing, editing, layout, and art. She loves helping people make their articles as good...

Addison Saji
Staff Writer, Artist

Addison Saji

Addison is a senior who joined The Echo in the Winter of 2024. She loves interviewing people, so writing for the paper gives her an excuse to do this. When she’s not at school, Addison collects CDs, drinks Slurpees, paints,...

Taha Usha
Staff Writer, Artist

Taha Usha

Taha joined The Echo in the fall of 2024 as part of the elective. She has dreamt of being a writer since elementary school. And this elective has given way for that passion to shine! The community is helpful and friendly, and...

Leila Pardieu

Leila Pardieu

Leila has joined The Echo in 2024. She is a sophomore who loves to make everyone feel heard and included, which is reflected in her writing. She loves to play piano and listen to music, and her favorite food is french fries.

Oliver Grover
Editor, Staff Writer

Oliver Grover

Oliver has been at The Echo since his sophomore year in 2023. He began as an editor, and still loves it, but he has since also taken on writing and become co-head of the perspectives section of The Echo. He's written articles...

Benjamin Otto

Benjamin Otto

Benjamin joined his first semester of The Echo in 2024 as a writer. Since then, he has written an article to be published in Issue 9 of The Echo. Outside of The Echo, Benjamin runs cross-country, and is on the HSMSE basketball...

Ariam Tedla
Staff Writer, Editor, Layout Team

Ariam Tedla

Ariam is a sophomore who joined The Echo at the start of the 2024–2025 school year. She is interested in anything and everything STEM, and likes editing and designing. She will passionately defend any of her arguments no matter...

Jaeden Johnson
Layout Team

Jaeden Johnson

Jaeden is a newcomer to The Echo, excited to share his voice and perspectives with the school community. Passionate about storytelling, he believes every student has a unique experience worth sharing. Jaeden is eager to write...

Neve Glover
Writer, Editor, Layout Team

Neve Glover

Neve is a junior who joined The Echo elective this year and does writing, editing, and layout. She enjoys being in The Echo because it gives her a chance to express herself and learn new things about her community. Outside of...

Arianna Bassini

Arianna Bassini

Arianna Bassini is a founding member of The Echo and serves as Head of Elective. Over the last couple years, she has edited and written, mainly for the Perspectives section, and spearheaded the efforts to get newspaper-wide fedoras....

Phoebe Fried

Phoebe Fried

Phoebe is a founding member of The Echo. She dabbled in editing and writing articles, but ultimately found her calling in designing and formatting the layout of the physical newspaper. As the Head Designer, her dedication to her...

Jason Huang
Staff Writer, Editor, Layout Team

Jason Huang

Jason has been at The Echo ever since it became an elective in 2023. He likes hanging out with his pals and running around the city. He tries to write about funny topics, but sometimes they flop. No worries though because he just...