Do you consider yourself to be a sports person? If so, how do you show support for the team that you like? Do you keep up with every single detail about the sport you love the most or do you only like the big tournaments? Something like the NBA games or the FIFA World Cup?
If you answered yes to most of these questions, maybe you’ll also agree that sports and gaming events can be one of the most entertaining and universal ways of bringing people together. Think about all the times you bonded with an unknown person over a team that you both supported and then became good friends. If not that, maybe you realized that one of your close friends supports the opposing team, leaving you to bicker over “who is better” to make your hangouts even more entertaining. The value in watching sports is clear, therefore, as a student at MSE, where more than half of the school engages in game nights and other sports competitions, wouldn’t you agree that it is an absolute necessity for us to have streaming events in school?
Besides keeping fans informed about each match, such events would allow the spirit of the games to spread throughout the school. Learning is hardly ever dull when high spirit is maintained.
Recall the most recent World Cup: full of exciting moments, it kept fans on their toes not only in homes and on the streets, but at academic institutions as well. HSMSE was no different. The fans at MSE, both teachers and students, kept up with each match of the event from beginning to the end. From wearing jerseys to school, to showing support through social media posts, to sneaking time out to watch the games in class, the walls of the school witnessed the love for football that so many hold.
To add to this elation, the U.S. will be the co-host of the FIFA World Cup in 2026, an event that will only heighten the shared excitement and communal watching that can take place in our community. The athletes themselves are already training; why not the fans? Let’s start holding weekly streaming events at HSMSE so that classmates can all enjoy the thrill of watching the matches together. The community built by cheering on a team is something that can occur much more often than every four years.