Officer Fernandez
Officer Fernandez is the first face we see when we walk through the big brown doors, making sure we’re okay bright and early in the morning, and the last face we see as we leave. She keeps our school safe, ensuring we have our IDs and being there to answer any questions regarding location, room changes, and more, making her such an integral part of our school community. Her favorite part of her job? “I love keeping the kids safe and being able to help the students with any information that they need,” Officer Fernandez said.

Ms. Patterson
Ms. Patterson watches over each student at MSE as they grow from scared freshmen, tentatively walking through the bright purple halls for the first time, to seniors being sent off to college. She’s always open to answering any questions about classes or schedules and checks in on how we’re doing throughout the school year. Often seen with a clipboard in hand, Ms. Patterson is always a friendly face that every student at MSE knows they can count on. “The students are definitely my favorite part of my job. I like hearing about their day and hope I can make their day a little easier,” Ms. Patterson shares.

Ms. Barnewold
Although new to the MSE community, Ms. Barnewold has already made such a big impact on the us. As the counselor for juniors and seniors, she has provided dedicated guidance to the upperclassmen as they embarked on the college-process journey. She is always there to answer any questions they may have about college or their future in general and is constantly making sure they feel supported. “I appreciate the help she has given me during the college application process,” Ronald Szeto (‘24) reflects. “Ms. Barnewold always brightens my day. It’s hard to imagine MSE without her now.” Zoe Otto (‘24) added.

Ms. Downey
As the only female coach for HSMSE’s sports teams, Ms. Downey is such a crucial part of HSMSE. The sports teams are such a great way to get involved with the community, bond with your friends, and improve your physical health! She’s the coach of the softball team, currently in season. The softball team not only has great results on the field, but their comradery shines off the field as well. Without Ms. Downey’s support and strong leadership, the team would not be the same. “I like Ms. Downey’s dedication to softball and building chemistry. Outside of sports, I love Ms. Downey’s friendliness and respect,” Annalie Merkel (‘26) says.

Ms. Hesseltine
Last, but definitely not least, is Ms. Hesseltine, the teacher that is a huge part of the reason why the Echo is what it is today. She has offered unwavering support, guidance, and leadership for our school newspaper, which has become an essential part of our school. The Echo is a major outlet for self expression, a great opportunity to bond with other students, and a symbol of school spirit and pride. Ms. Hesseltine also teaches English to half of the freshmen and sophomore classes. “I think I have the best job in the world because I get to talk about literature with teenagers all day long. The idea that we get to explore the world through stories is such a timeless experience, it’s like I get to live in a book club,” Ms. Hesseltine said.
These are just five of the women that make HSMSE such a welcoming and strong school, but every single female teacher, staff and worker at HSMSE is such an essential part of the community and it would not be the same without any of them.